1 min readOct 23, 2021


I wonder

Who will you be, sitting in front of me during dinner

Will you be you, talking about your day, complaining about how tired you are, daydreaming about your early retirement day with your big nose?

Will you be you, talking about life, reminiscing our old days, talking about your family member or your dream on opening your own lab?

Will you be you, being busy with your family stuff, talking about the possibilities of the future and me looking at your face, thinking how lucky we are to be together for how impossible it is?

Will you be you, thinking about your excitements on other business potential and your curiosity on new experiences, simply looking at your face, our uncanny facial resemblance and your big eyes, while holding hands?

I guess I should delete you right away from this writings since your daughter just born yesterday, congratulations.

Will it be you, sad guy? We won’t run out of convos since we get along really well for now. Will we be sipping wine during dinner or you introduce me to this new mix of alcohol just before sex?

Or it could be me, sitting in front of my dinner, alone.

I wish I knew the answer

